Bring your furry and winged animals to the annual Blessing of the Animals at Emmanuel Labyrinth Sunday at 11 a.m.

Bring your furry and winged animals to the annual Blessing of the Animals at Emmanuel Labyrinth Sunday at 11 a.m.

from Karen Russell

Sunday, October 6, 11:15 a.m., Emmanuel Parish

Emmanuel Parish’s annual Blessing of the Animals will be held on Sunday, October 6, at approximately 11:15 a.m. (following the 10 a.m. worship service) on the outdoor labyrinth.

The Prayer of the Dog, by Carmen Vernos de Gasztold, translated by Rumer Godden

I keep watch!
If I am not here
who will guard their house?
Watch over their sheep?
Be faithful?
No one bu You and I
what faithfulness is.
They call me, “Good dog! Nice dog!”
Words. . .
I take their pats
and the old bones they throw me
and I seem pleased.
They really believe they make me happy.
I take kicks too
when they come my way.
None of that matters.
I keep watch!
do not let me die
until, for them,
all danger is driven away.

A brief service will be held to honor our kinship with the creatures of the earth remembering St. Francis of Assisi, who inspired peace and love for all creatures.

Bring your pets (4 footed, no footed, beaked, winged, clawed or finned) to the labyrinth where each will receive an individual blessing. All animals should come with a leash or cage for safety. If you can’t bring your pet, feel free to bring a picture to represent them.

The Prayer of the Cat, by Carmen Vernos de Gasztold, translated by Rumer Godden

I am the cat.
It is not, exactly, that I have something to ask of You!
I ask nothing of anyone —
if You have by some chance, in some celestial barn,
a little white mouse,
or a saucer of milk,
I know someone who would relish them.
Wouldn’t You like someday
to put a curse on the whole race of dogs?
If so I should say,

For more information please see the website, or call the office, 376-2352.