Today, January 24, rescheduled from last week at 5:30 p.m.

From the Funhouse/Commons

In the fall of last year, The Funhouse announced its intention to change its name to “The Funhouse Commons” to reflect a determined effort to expand its focus and become a resource for everyone on Orcas, not just the kids.

The first significant programming effort of the Commons will begin this month, as we roll out the Island Enterprise Lab. The focus of this program will be principally community and economic development.

“Our first goal is to find ways to expand the usefulness of our facilities,” says Funhouse Commons director Pete Moe. “One way we can do this is by becoming a hub for shared resources, technology, and knowledge that focuses on our island, our people, our economy.”

The first meeting of the Island Enterprise Lab will be January 17. This session will be a structured brainstorming forum, which will attempt to identify shared goals, needs, and resources. The meeting is open to all who are interested.

“We have tossed around a lot of ideas,” says Moe. “From organizing small business development classes, to creating a business mentoring project, to bringing in cutting-edge technology like super-fast Internet and 3-D printers. Everything is on the table.”

The Funhouse Commons leadership loves the idea of becoming a small business incubator, supporting local industries of all types, from software to farming.

“The Funhouse Commons is unique on Orcas, and it has some valuable resources that we want to leverage,” says Commons board president Eric Youngren. “We have an incredible and versatile space, technology of all kinds, and a great staff to make ideas into things that actually happen.”

“I am really interested in focusing just on Orcas,” says Youngren. “I believe that island-centric, sustainable thinking is the way we need to go from here. Not just in business, but everything–public services too. From education, to energy, utilities, to garbage collection. Hopefully the Island Enterprise Lab can be a forum for these ideas.”

In order to gauge public interest, The Commons has set up an online survey.

The Island Enterprise Lab will meet Tuesday, January 24 from 5:30-7:30.  The meeting is free to attend. Dinner, provided by The Kitchen, will be available; $10 adults, $5 for kids. (Please RSVP for dinner through the online survey or by calling 376-7177 by Monday, January 16th). Childcare will also be provided, donation to The Funhouse Commons suggested