— by Cara Russell —

SolsticeMontage“Let us recite from the wise words of George Harrison,” announced Mark Padbury, Master of Ceremonies of Solstice Day Celebrations on the Village Green. “Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter… Here comes the sun, here comes the sun. And I say it’s all right.”

The 16th Annual Summer Solstice Parade was held on Saturday June 21 at high noon in Eastsound, and the Village Green was packed with sun worshipers. The theme this year was “Toys, Contraptions and Thingamajigs,” and there sure was a lot of that.

The procession danced, grooved, biked and rolled through the streets of town, until ending at the Village Green, where Padbury presided over the post parade dancing entertainment from the Stage. DJ Adam Star and The Dust Bunnies performed, and Anthony Manuel led his dancers in a routine to the music of Santana.