Saturday July 27,  from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Find a treasure at the Market Day sale, sponsored by Emmanuel Episcopal Parish’s  St. Agnes Guild. All proceeds go to fund parish outreach activities for the good of the entire community.

The following poem is by David Gutteridge, an English friend of the Parish:


It is an aged Anglican
And he stoppeth one of three
“By thy well-cut hair and twinkling eyes
Now wherefore stopps’t thou me?

The Anacortes ship has docked
And I’ve to meet a friend,
The Orcas Road is kinked and long
The jetty’s at the end!”

He stretch-ed out his suntanned hand
“Our Market Day!” quoth he.
“We hold for good works on this isle –
Have you time to help me?”

He holds him with his twinkling smile:
The driver’s shift’s in Park
“We will cook brats and sell bar-gains
‘Twill be a merry lark!”

“I must away,” the driver says
“Or I shall miss the boat,
But I have got my Journal here
So let me make a note….”

“Bargains, bargains everywhere!
A treasure, jewel or mink!
And home-baked cakes and barbecue
And coke and tea to drink!

So use your pencil, Orcas man,
Make marks you can descry:
‘Emmanuel Church on Saturday
Twent’-seventh of July!’”

The scriv’ner jotted down the news
Before he sped away,
So glad to have the chance to help
At Orcas Market Day,

And startled the squeal of tires,
And briefly at a loss,
Th’ informant gazed across the Sound
And saw an Albatross.

Thanks to Galen Burghardt