Note: Updated Friday, April 17

Coffee and conversation about the upcoming Orcas Island School District (OISD) Bond will take place on Sunday, April 18 at three different “neighborhood” locations.  These home meetings were suggested by several participants at the OISD Board-sponsored Bond Forum Potluck on March 10.

The OISD Board will consider the input from these and other meetings in deciding upon the amount and terms of the Capital Bond it will re-submit for voter approval in August.

The public is invited to neighborhood gatherings to voice concerns and suggestions about the bond, which will come before the voters this August.

On Sunday, April 18th there will be three home-hosted coffees to which you can come:

  • 12 p.m.  Eastsound – at  70 Seaview Street
  • 12 p.m.  Olga  — at 7047 Olga Road
  • 4 p.m.  Eastsound – at 326 Longwood Lane

This was changed from the four original locations, due to a family emergency. RSVPs are requested; however, walk-ins are welcome.

There will be a school board member at each of the homes.  They will come with an open mind and a blank notebook. They will hear voters likes and dislikes about the bond the last time around.

School Board member Janet Brownell says, “Our Orcas public schools are in dire need of repairs and replacement. We need to pass the bond, but we cannot do it without you.”

To RSVP: please call Marian at 376-1402 or email her at

Choose a time and location; Marian will provide directions, if needed.

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