The Crow Valley School Celebrates its 125th year this Sunday, Sept. 22

The Crow Valley School Celebrates its 125th year this Sunday, Sept. 22

September 22nd, 2 to 4:30 p.m.

Part of the Orcas Historical Society’s monthly History Matinee series

Please join us at Crow Valley School for an Open House, CVS docent appreciation and birthday party at 2 p.m. At 3 p.m. this month’s History Matinee kicks off featuring Irene O’Neill as the School Marm with Margot Shaw assisting as we learn Readin’ Writin’ and “Rithmetic the way it was back in the day.

Wear your early 20th century attire and gather with us as we celebrate our Crow Valley School docents, and the 125th birthday of the school. We will turn back the clock a century to experience education in a one room school house. Crow Valley School is filled with period atmosphere: the echoes of countless Orcas school children’s’ laughter and even their groans concerning homework during the 30 years of classes. The school is on the National Register of Historic Places. It was painstakingly restored by previous owners Richard Schneider and Bud McBride who spent hundreds of hours researching and carefully rehabilitating the wooden structure.

Crow Valley School is one of the finest examples of an intact one room school house in our state and in 1989 was recognized for its renovation during the Washington Centennial Celebration by the Governor’s wife Jean Gardner and Secretary of State Ralph Munro, both co-chairs of the Centennial Committee. Richard Schneider and Bud McBride received the State Historic Preservation Officer’s 1997 Annual Award “For Outstanding Achievement in Stewardship for the Crow Valley School.”  Come help us celebrate this Island icon’s remarkable past.