Opening Reception: April 4, 5:30-7 p.m.

Exhibition: April 4-April 30

— from  Anne McDuffie–


Calving Ice

Nature Unbalanced: A collaborative art exhibition will showcase Painting by Ann Vandervelde, Glass sculpture by Lin McJunkin, and Poetry by Anne McDuffie.

Paint meets glass meets poetry and sound in a collaborative multimedia exhibition at Orcas Center this April. This exhibition brings together abstract acrylic and paper collage by Ann Vandervelde, glass sculpture by Lin McJunkin, and poems written and recorded by Anne McDuffie that can be heard in the gallery by scanning a QR code with any smartphone.

The work in “Nature Unbalanced” reflects three artists’ ongoing engagement with the state of our natural world, its patterns and rhythms, and the disquieting evidence of climate change. This exhibit celebrates the tremendous beauty and power of places we treasure, and embodies our collective hopes and fears for the future.