By Alan Lichter

Our Orcas Library is on the move to further upgrade and develop its noteworthy holdings of adult materials, and is inviting bookworms, book maniacs, bookish folks, highbrows, lowbrows, middlebrows, bookwonks, and booknerds to join its new Collection Management Committee.

Each committee member will assume responsibility for a specific category of holdings, will research the latest and best publications, and will recommend new purchases for an engaged Orcas community.

Would you like to become the Library’s expert partner in one of the following fields? Mystery and detective fiction; poetry, literature, and languages; self-help materials; gardening and landscaping; history and religion; travel and travel writing; technology; movies, documentaries, and audio books; hard and soft sciences; art, craft, and design.

The committee will meet enthusiastically once monthly. For more exciting info, call Kathe Lunde, Public Services Librarian, at 376-4985; or Alan Lichter, Library Trustee, at 376-5595.

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