By Stan Matthews
County Communications Program Manager

1)      The Council did not declare an emergency in setting the new solid waste fees.

2)      With or without an emergency, solid waste fees do not require voter approval. The Council sets the rates – it’s been done roughly once a year since the charter change. The utility proposes the rates based on revenue and expense projections.

3)      The new rates do not include a surcharge; the fees that were set in the ordinance are simply higher fees.

4)      The increase is not a “Step Increase.” There is no established or proposed a next rate step. The Council has expressed hope that rates can be reduced if other revenue sources can be established, but no specific amounts up or down have been set or discussed.

5)      The transfer stations have had a minimum charge for solid waste customers for several years; however it has been $8 since April 2009, the same as the fee for disposing of one can. Beginning on April 16, the minimum fee will be set at $12; that will be higher than the per can fee.

6)      The current fee per can is $8 for every can. None of the new or old rates vary by volume or weight.

7)      The new minimum fee goes into effect April 16. The rest of the fee increases go into effect July 1 (This meets a state regulatory requirement for 75 days notice to franchise haulers)

New Solid Rates Effective July 1 (Rates include taxes)

Self Haul by Can:                   $9/can

Self Haul by Weight:             $335/ton

Town of Friday Harbor:         $225/ton

Franchise Hauler:                  $225/ton

Appliances                              $22/each

Refrigeration Unit:                $56/each

Oil (more than 5 gals)            $0.15/gallon

Household hazardous $0.06/pound ($12 minimum)


Steel for Recycling:               $166/Ton

CESQG* Waste                     $25/5 gallons

CESQG* Waste                     $270/55 gallons

*  Liquid material from citizens and certain types of small businesses. (“Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators”)

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