— by Margie Doyle —

Susan Osborn Densmore's time-honored Victorian Valley Chapel performances return next week

Susan Osborn Densmore’s time-honored Victorian Valley Chapel performances return next week

Susan Osborn will once again open the Victorian Valley Chapel to islanders to experience the music and message of Christmas, beginning next Monday, December 22.

She has a deep love of Christmas and Christmas music. “For me it has become my celebration of Christmas, and a way for many people to access the Christmas Story without being part of any religion.”

That Christmas music, traditional and new, has a way of “focusing on the true and archtypal story of Christmas, Susan says. She explains that, to her, the story is one “of light and consciousness coming into darkness; a simple opportunity that happens daily, a miracle and a historic and true story.”

The  Victorian Valley Chapel experiences “come out of whatever my life and musical experience has been during the year.”

This last year, she experienced “the profound experience of the power of music.” Close friend John Barnes knew that he was dying and “He chose to die with his friends, sharing the power of music” over many months. “It was life transforming to sing for someone who knew he was dying, who was in pain, and the music was alleviating his pain. For me to sing for someone who is really listening, to experience the power of the listening — it was an honor and a privilege to sing for John with dear friends; to acknowledge loss and grief and the possibility of new life coming into the community.”

Some of those friends will be joining Susan at the Victorian Valley Chapel:

  • Bruce Harvie playing the guitar and mandolin. “Bruce has been the center of so much of the music that happens on Orcas Island;”
  • David Densmore, long one of the Parking Angels, will sing some of his own seasonal songs and humorous versions of Christmas songs;
  • Annette Marsden will be sitting in on accordian for a few songs
  • and introducing a new islander, Leah Ballou, who plays guitar, piano and violin and sings and is “a beautiful talent.”

“That’s who we know about,” says Susan. “There’s often surprises.”

This will be the 25th year of Susan’s Victoria Valley Christmas program. The first year, she says, was for one night only and the music was performed a cappella (without instrumental accompaniment). Over the years the performances have grown organically.  “We see what we cook all up together at our year-end experience,” promises Susan.

The Victorian Valley Chapel evenings are “about the quality of collaboration,” she says. “They’re less about performance and more about the experience.

“That’s the beauty of the chapel; it’s the perfect place  to share that experience with community and friends, with the setting, of silence and no noise. Its owners — first the Roulacs and now the Smith families — have understood it’s a true sanctuary and refuge. ”

Orcas Island, where Susan and David have lived since 1986, “has been a refuge, to say the least.” Susan adds, “David and I could become a part of a real community. Even when I traveled more frequently to Japan, living on Orcas made that possible because I could come home where I could live sustainably, participate in the community and be of service. It’s been a tremendous gift.”

“I never know from year to year if this will be the last Victorian Valley Christmas. I just keep listening, and see who’s coming up.

“If you haven’t been before, please come: it’s the place and all the people that decorate the chapel and create the most wonderful experience.”

The intimate evenings of Christmas and Seasonal songs in the candlelit beauty of the Chapel will take place  December 22 and 23 at 7:30, and Christmas Eve at 7:30 and 10:30. $15; all kids 12 and under free. Tickets online at Brown Paper Tickets and in Eastsound at the Siren Boutique.