Pre-registration required for WSU Extension Class

From Candace Jagel, Ag Education Coordinator, WSU Extension San Juan County

If you make cheese or would like to learn how, WSU Extension is offering a workshop this Friday—the first in a series of micro dairy workshops for local producers. We have a great group of 15 farms who have committed to attending the entire series or six workshops. With our group of producers on board, we are now able to open the morning session of Friday’s workshop to the general public.

The morning part of the workshop would benefit anyone who makes cheese or would like to learn the basic principles of cheese-making. We’ll cover:

  • Milk composition and quality (why milk does what it does)
  • The importance of acidity to cheese-making
  • Safe processing of dairy products

And we’ll be doing a cheese-tasting over lunch!

Our main speaker will be Marc Bates, cheese maker, dairy consultant, former manager of the Washington State University creamery, current consultant for the Oregon State University creamery, judge at national and international cheese competitions, and cheese making instructor. Marc is trying very hard to retire, but he has graciously ventured from home to teach this class at our request.

We also welcome longtime local cheese maker Layne Sundberg, Quail Croft, San Juan Island, who produces wonderful goat cheeses. Layne will share her experiences as a goat farmer and cheese maker, as well as some of her delicious cheeses.

Morning workshop cost: $15
Location: Skagit Valley College (Friday Harbor Campus) Community Room

Bring a bag lunch. We’ll provide drinks and breakfast snacks. All are welcome, but pre-registration is required. Contact (360) 370 7664 (direct line) or (360) 378 4414 (office)

Thanks to Learner Limbach