Adults and Teens

  • Biology for Adults: Topics include basic biochemistry, DNA, genetics and evolution.  March 27 – April 17.  Tuesdays.  $100;  $75 for members.
  • Recording Studio: Private or group sessions available. Call us!


  • Spring Soccer:  Starting after Spring Break. Stay tuned for more details.
  • Spring Running Club: April 4 – June 6.  Mon. & Wed. 3:30 p.m.  Kick off the season April 4 at Moran State Park for Cascade Lake Run, Bonfire, and Potluck Snacks. $75; $50 for members.
  • Spring Break Camp:  Join Staff for games, arts & crafts, and more during Spring Break.  April 16-20, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.  $75, $50 for members.
  • Creative Writing for Kids:  Learn to better express yourself with words.  Wednesdays. March 21 – April 11.  3:30 – 4:30 p.m. $50/$35 members.
  • Guitar: Private/Group. Youth/Adult. Classes based on interest. Call us! 376-7177.


  • Grafting at the Bullocks: Learn techniques to graft your fruit trees. April 15. 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. $60 includes new grafting knife and two fruit trees!
  • Mycology: Mushroom cultivation, myco-remediation techniques, mycelium in your garden, and more.  May 27. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. $25.

Small Business/Computer

  • Mac 101: Learn the basics of the Mac: E-mail, photos, music, Internet, downloads, e-commerce safety, and more. March 26 – April 30. Mondays. 6:00-7:00 p.m. $125, $100 for members.
  • iPhoto:  Learn to edit and organize your digital photo library on a Mac.  Mondays 7-8. March 26 – April 16.  $100, $75 for members.
  • Photoshop: Customize and repair your photography.  Generate beautiful visual elements for web and print.  Beginners/Advanced. $100, $75 for members.Microsoft Word: The basics of  this essential word processing program.  Wednesdays in April. $100, $75 for members.
  • Microsoft Excel: The basics of this spreadsheet program. Wednesdays in April. $100, $75 for members.
  • iWeb: The easiest way to make a website.  Wednesdays in April. $100, $75 for members.

For more information, call 376-7177 or go to