By Stan Matthews
County Communications Program Manager

Candidate filing week for the fall primary and general elections will run June 6 through June 10, 2011.

During that week, in addition to other local elected positions, voters will be selecting eighteen commissioners for the County’s first Charter Review Commission.

It was previously announced that three commissioners would be elected from each of the six Council Districts.  Based on population data received from the 2010 Census, the allocation has been revised.

The Charter says that “the number of CRC members for each district shall be apportioned according to the population distribution in each Legislative Body district.”

Now that population data is available, the 18 seats have to be allocated by population.  As a result, the largest district, which is Orcas West (Council District 4) will elect four commissioners; the smallest district, which is Friday Harbor (Council District 3) will elect two members.  All other council districts will elect three members to the Charter Review Commission.

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