Saturday, August 9, 5:30 pm, Orcas Center

— from Joyce Stone —

Pablo Ziegler Classical Tango Quartet

Pablo Ziegler Classical Tango Quartet

Would you like to attend a fabulous concert at the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival, but need babysitting services? Announcing the first ever Date Night Concert!

You’ll hear the famous Pablo Ziegler Classical Tango Quartet perform on Saturday, August 9th at 5:30 pm. And while you’re enjoying the concert, your children will be having fun at Kaleidoscope Daycare and Pre-school. Tickets are $30 each and include a concert ticket, child care at Kaleidoscope, and courtesy beverage of your choice at the catered NightCap reception.

During the concert, the audience will be transported to Buenos Aires for a true tango adventure, as tango pianist extraordinaire Pablo Ziegler takes the stage with cellist Bion Tsang, violist Aloysia Friedmann, pianist Jon Kimura Parker and clarinetist Owen Kotler in the first half of the program. Then Pablo and his Classical Tango Quartet heat things up with their rhythm and music for a sizzling finale!

Reserved seating has been set aside for the first 20 people, so please call the OICMF office as soon as possible at 376-6636! Deadline for reservations is July 31st.