Sunday, November 13, 11:30 a.m., Emmanuel Benson Hall

— from Suzanne Olson —

Please join us at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, November 13 for a Chalice Group discussion led by John Carl on the topic of “Gratitude” at Emmanuel Episcopal Church Benson Hall.

Please bring finger foods to share following the service. All are welcome. Please let us know if you need a ride, or have other needs that the Fellowship can help with. Hope to see you on Sunday.

See below for some food for thought on the topic for discussion:


“On Thanksgiving Day, we celebrate our dependence.”–William Jennings Bryan

You worked your way through college, you have a responsible job and are slightly underpaid, you buy a turkey for the holiday, but do you have to be thankful? You are the one who made this all happen, it is you that deserves the credit. What is going on here?

The thought causes you to go lie down for a bit. Wait, isn’t gratefulness the highest act of understanding that the human condition is a cooperative venture. How audacious to believe that everything you are didn’t come with some gifts along the way. As usual, thinking gives you a headache. If someone’s loss benefits me,should I be grateful for their loss? Is there any scientific proof that my life will be better if I am grateful? In this evolutionary world, do I have to be thankful for the rain, or a nice day? And, did I mention, your brother-in-law (who you despise) is coming over for the holiday?