— from Center for Whale Research —

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Encounter Summary (read full report):

Michael received a report from Jane Cogan about transient calls on Haro Strait hydrophones, and later visual confirmation of a group of whales in mid Haro headed towards Kelp Reef.

At 1030, Dave and Michael left Snug to try to locate and ID the whales. At 1050, they arrived on scene southwest of Kelp Reef with the T46Bs, T36As, T65Bs, and T77A. The whales were socializing, and milling non-directionally. At 1130, the whales split into two groups. The T36As, T65Bs, and T77A headed northwest, moving quickly, with T77A separated from the rest of the group by nearly a mile. The T46Bs, meanwhile, headed south down Haro Strait. The team spent a bit of time trying to keep up with the northern group, before flipping to get more photos of the T46Bs, particularly interested in further assessing T46B1B’s skin condition.

At 1215, the team ended the encounter in mid Haro Strait, just west of Lime Kiln park.