The Orcas High School graduates of 2014

The Orcas High School graduates of 2014

 — by Margie Doyle —

“Go wherever you want; do whatever you want to do,” Superintendent Barbara Kline told the 24 members of the Orcas High School graduating class at Friday’s Celebration of Success.

In addition to announcing scholarship recipients, High School Principal Kyle Freeman also recognized:

  • Class Co-Valedictorians Brigid Ehrmantraut and Emily Jackson and Class Salutatorian Jack Rusilllo;
  • National Honor Society member Brigid Ehrmantraut;
  • National Phi Beta Kappa Award winners Brigid Ehrmantraut and Emily Jackson, who received copies of the book Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher;
  • Washington State Honors Award, given to the top 10 percent of state graduates, based on grade point average (GPA) Brigid Ehrmantraut, Emily Jackson and Jack Rusillo.

The event was also a celebration of community. Kline noted that Orcas students are outstanding not only in their scholarship, but in their engagement with their community. Numerous Orcas High School Alumni took to the podium to announce awards to the graduates. With over 26 island and county clubs, businesses, foundations and agencies contributing scholarships to further their education, emotions of accomplishment and pride ran high at the two-hour ceremony.

Some standout moments at today’s Celebration of Success:

Judy and Ron Wallace, honored by the American Legion Women's Auxiliary at the Orcas High School Celebration of Success

Judy and Ron Wallace, honored by the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary at the Orcas High School Celebration of Success

The American Legion Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship in honor of Judy Wallace who, though in constant pain has worked to send over 700 packages to American military servicepeople. The lengthy applause for Judy Wallace’s unstinting work brought the audience in the high school gym to their feet.

The new Rick Anda Memorial Scholarship was presented by Lions Club member Tony Ghazel in honor of the community leader, businessman and volunteer firefighter who passed away earlier this year.

Krista Bouchey, Director of the Funhouse Commons presented the Bob and Phyllis Henigson Public School Student Scholarship, established last year, to Emily Jackson. The scholarship is renewable for four years.

San Juan County Sheriff’s Guild representative Steve Johns gave the group two pieces of advice: do the right thing; and do it better than anyone else.

Kari Schuh, Senior Class Advisor, took the opportunity to recall the fun the “quirky, quirky, quirky” freshman Class of 2014 has had over the past four years with lip-synch contests, glow-in-the-dark dances, sports concessions and candy sales. She advised the “now cohesive, individualized group of young men and women” to “take a little bit of your time giving back” and to “Shake it up, Baby!”

And Superintendent Barbara Kline expressed what many repeated through the morning ceremony: “You’re worthy of the community’s investment in you. Go away, but come back.”

(A list of the scholarship awards and recipients will be published soon in Orcas Issues.)