Commencement ceremonies will be Saturday, June 15 at 2 p.m. at the High School Gym

The Class of 2013 at today's Celebration of Success.

The Class of 2013 at Friday’s Celebration of Success.

By Margie Doyle

This year’s Celebration of Success “demonstrates the wonderful support our student grow up with in our community,” said Barbara Kline, Orcas Island School District Superintendent and High School Principal.

The Celebration was held in the High School gym on Friday, June 14 to a gathering of graduates, students, staff, board, family, friends and community members, many of whom are alumni of Orcas High School and previous Celebrations of Success.

Perhaps the high point — or deep point — of the ceremony was when Bob Henigson, with the assistance of Pete Moe, Funhouse Commons Director, and Kyle Freeman, Elementary/Middle School Principal, came to the podium. Henigson said simply, “Life isn’t fair, but we do what we can to make it better and easier.” He announced that he and his wife Phyllis have created a four-year scholarship of $16,000, which they will bestow for the next four years. The scholarship is awarded to that student who shows maturity, energy, perserverence and motivation. There were 10 applicants this year, and the scholarship was awarded to Annie Ryder. The scholarship will be administered by the Funhouse Commons in partnership with the Henigsons.

The audience rose to its feet in applause as Bob Henigson left the podium.

Orcas Island Education Foundation (OIEF) President Janet Brownell had calculated the cost for one year for all the Orcas High School 2013 graduates at their chosen institutions of higher learning would cost $980,000. She made the point, repeated often throughout the awards ceremony, that the caliber of applicants for the scholarships was outstanding, and it was most difficult to choose. The post-graduation plans of the class are posted on a pillar outside the gymnasium.

This year, the graduating class has Co-Valedictorians Macklin Blackadar and Ana Ledgerwood; Salutatorian is Juliette Mann.

What a difference an hour makes. The Class of 2013 prepares for Commencement at a rehearsal one hour before the Celebration of Success

What a difference an hour makes — the Class of 2013 prepares for Commencement at a rehearsal held one hour before the Celebration of Success.

Teacher Brett McFarland announced the Bausch and Lomb four-year scholarship of $30, 000 per year, which is given to a high school junior. Because the applicants were so worthy, McFarland said, they asked the company if the award could be split. It couldn’t and so McFarland made Honorable Mention to Brigid Ehrmantraut and awarded the scholarship to Cheryl Jackson, who will be Associated Student Body (ASB)  President next year. Cheryl Jackson will assume office as this year’s ASB President, Josh Bronn, graduates.

Other ASB officers for next year were announced:

  • Vice-President Jack Rusillo, replacing Tika Zbornik
  • Public Relations Officer Bella Nigretto, replacing Ruby Adrian
  • Secretary Mikayla Hansen, replacing Jessica Gudgell
  • Treasurer Kyle Zbornik, replacing Jack Rusillo

Superintendent Kline, announced the Washington State Scholars, who are ranked by grade point average (gpa) and tests in the top  10 percent of all State graduates. She noted that of the 37 Class of 2013 graduates, Orcas High School had 15 Washington State Scholars.

She also pointed out that senior student Juan Diaz was not eligible to graduate with his classmates, although, as Brett McFarland has said earlier, he has learned the language and culture of the United States. Ms. Kline explained that Diaz had missed 11 crucial points in the state-required reading test, and invited people to Diaz’ planned graduation in August. She vowed, “We’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

The Celebration of Success had a surprise conclusion as Teacher Vicki Clancy called High School staff to the podium to thank High School Principal Barbara Kline, who is retiring from that position in order to concentrate on the duties of the District Superintendent.
Ms. Kline accepted the flowers and tribute after blinking back tears, not for the first time in the ceremony.

Mr. Freeman, who will be assuming the position of High School Principal in the fall, was given a long-handled mop.

She invited all to the Commencement ceremonies, which will be in the High School gym at 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 15. She announced that visual representations of the changes planned with the approved Bond vote will also be on display, with construction planned to start next year.

  • For a list of the community scholarships, totaling nearly $70,000, click on this link:Madrona Club Scholarship: Ruby Adrian, $1000
  • American Legion Citizenship Award: Lana Bronn, $250
  • American Legion Inspirational Award: Nile Reed, $250
  • Voyle B. Martin Scholarship: Spencer Crowe, $1500
  • Claude A. Rebuling Memorial Academic Scholarship: Ana Ledgerwood, $1500
  • Claude A. Rebuling Memorial Vocational Scholarship: Juan Diaz-Alvarez, $1500
  • Key Bank Scholarships: Freeda Crow, $1000; Lana Bronn, $1000
  • Kiwanis Club Lee Roach/Bill Marks Memorial Scholarship: Ana Ledgerwood, $1100
  • Kiwanis Community Service Scholarship: Juliette Mann, $1100
  • Kiwanis Youth Scholarship: Garett Pietsch, $1100
  • Kiwanis Scholarship: Tika Zbornik, $500
  • Kiwanis Club Hat Draw Award: Annie Ryder, $400
  • Orcas Island Education Foundation, Dare to Dream Scholarship: Chase Drake, $250; Nile Reed, $500; Alexa Cuthbert, $500
  • OIEF Scholarships: Zackary Wolford, $500; Jessica Gudgell, $500; Morgan Sabine, $500; Ruby Adrian, $500; Ana Ledgerwood, $1000; Annie Ryder, $1000; Juliette Mann, $1000
  • Islanders Bank Scholarship: Jessica Gudgell, $1000
  • American Legion Auxiliary Sally Hart Memorial Scholarship: Zackary Wolford: $1000
  • American Legion Auxiliary Mid Flaherty Memorial Scholarship: Morgan Sabine, $1000
  • American Legion Auxiliary LarVerne Key Memorial Scholarship: Josh Bronn, $1000
  • American Legion Auxiliary Patty Resch Memorial Scholarship: Spencer Crowe, $1000
  • American Legion Auxiliary Mary Lou Nichol Memorial Scholarship: Ruby Adrian, $1000
  • Masonic Lodge Scholarship: Freeda Crow, $1000; Kirsten Fowler, $1000
  • Henigson-Funhouse Commons College Scholarship: Annie Ryder $8000. This scholarship is renewed every year for four years.
  • Lions Club Leonard Wellman Memorial Scholarship: Garett Pietsch, $2000
  • Lions Club Jim Golithon Memorial Scholarship: Ruby Adrian, $2000
  • Lions Club Vic Hughes Scholarship: Chase Drake, $2000
  • Lions Club Joseph Bond Scholarship: Zackary Wolford, $2000
  • Lions Club Abrahamsen Family Scholarship: Nile Reed, $2000
  • Lions Club Frank Ward Memorial Scholarship: Morgan Sabine, $1000
  • San Juan County Sheriff’s Guild Scholarship: Spencer Crowe, $1500; Josh Bronn, $500
  • Orcas Center Margaret Exton Award: Juliette Mann, $250
  • Public School Employees Union Scholarships: Di Mowrey, $250; Morgan Sabine, $250.
  • Orcas Island Eagle Forum Scholarship: Macklin Blackadar, $500
  • Orcas Island Family Health Center Scholarship: Ruby Adrian, $500; Tika Zbornik, $500
  • Odd Fellows Scholarships: Soren Sweet, $1500; Nile Reed, $1500
  • Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival Young Musician’s Award, Supported by the Thyra and Bud Anderson Advised Fund: Adelaine Newcombe, $500; Rhys Thompson; $500; Juliette Mann, $500;
  • Orcas Island Booster Club Scholarships, Spencer Crowe, $500; Jake Zier; $500; Orcas Education Associations; Kirsten Fowler; $500
  • US Naval Academy Appointment: Macklin Blackadar

Thanks to Nancy Wrightsman, Orcas High School Counselor