Saturday, January 16 (his birthday) at Random Howse from 3:30-6:30

— from Clyde & April Duke –

FullSizeRenderEddy passed away surrounded by family and friends on November 27, 2015 after battling Multiple Myeloma cancer for seven years. He was a strong man who fought it till the very end. He will be missed by the many people who had the opportunity to know him. Please join us in his “Celebration of Life.” Come as you are as we are celebrating his life and not his passing.

Eddy was a loving father to Haunani, Bruce and Keoni and grandfather to Kuuipo. He is survived by his sister Caroline who lived on Orcas for many years and wife Leilani. Eddy was a valued employee and friend of Clyde and April Duke from 1991.

For more information: Haunani –

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