— from Carol Kulminski — 

The leaders of Celebrate Recovery have a strong desire to meet the needs of the community. After conducting a survey, the results indicated a preference for Tuesday over Friday nights. There will be no meeting on Friday, July 17, as the group transitions to their new meeting day starting Tuesday, July 21.

The meetings are held at the Senior Center with a dinner starting at 6:30 pm followed by music, videos, testimonies, or teaching. Then we separate into smaller groups led by an experienced leader. This model comes from 20 years of successful work and has helped thousands of people worldwide.

Celebrate Recovery was brought to Orcas by a group of passionate leaders, who are examples of the power of transformation in the lives of those who struggle with loneliness, addictions, and wounds from the past. It is all of us to some degree. When you come to Celebrate Recovery you are introduced to new friends who will not judge or condemn you…surrounded by those who may have walked your path…ready to listen with love and compassion.

It is a safe place and all are encouraged to enter.

For more information, contact Paul at CELEBRATE.RECOVERY.ORCAS@gmail.com



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