
Celebrate Recovery at weekly Friday night meetings

— from Carol Kulminski —

On Friday night, January 9th at 6:00 p.m., Celebrate Recovery on Orcas Island will be having its Grand Opening in the Senior Center at 62 Henry Road in Eastsound.

Celebrate Recovery is a faith-based, 12 step program open to everyone.  The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to allow us to become free from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. The program helps with a wide range of issues from stress, divorce, grief, chemical dependency, co-dependency, eating issues, physical/sexual/emotional abuse or any other hurts or habits. Celebrate Recovery wants to help each person to grow into the person that God intended them to be, free from our past, living in the present and looking towards the future with hope.

The group will be meeting every Friday night at the Senior Center. There is an optional meal provided (donations are accepted but not expected or required). Childcare is available. The meal begins at 6 p.m.. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. The meeting includes music, readings, a short topical presentation or inspirational personal stories. After the opening meeting, we break into smaller groups; one for men and one for women, where individuals are free to share with each other and discuss issues that they are dealing with. This is a safe environment where people can share without fear of judgment or interruption. Anonymity and confidentiality are emphasized and everything that is said in the meetings is considered private and not to be shared outside of the meetings.

You can get more information about the Grand Opening of Celebrate Recovery on Orcas via email at Celebrate.Recovery.Orcas@gmail.com or you can call Paul at 360-376-3273. For more information about the Celebrate Recovery program in general you can see Celebrate Recovery’s website at www.celebraterecovery.com.