Wednesday, June 19, 1:15 p.m., Emmanuel Episcopal Labyrinth

— from Lili Hein —

The last day of school is Wednesday, June 19 noon dismissal!  Let’s celebrate freedom with the children and the nearing of summer solstice with a medicine wheel at the Labyrinth at Emmanuel Episcopal Church.

A local scholar of sound healing, Samara Shaw will share a medicine wheel ceremony at the Emmanuel Parish labyrinth, gathering at 1:15 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19.  All children and people of all ages are welcome to participate and bring rattles or treasured objects from nature.  Returning to this labyrinth, we will honor and renew the medicine wheel teachings shared at this location in August 2014 by Samara Shaw and Bavado.  Bennie LeBeau, “Bavado” Rainbow Thunder Heart (in Eastern Shoshone) is a tribal member of the Eastern Shoshone Nation, located on the Wind River Indian Reservation, in Ft. Washakie, Wyoming.

Medicine wheel ceremonies reintroduce the sacred geometric science of the Web of Life — Grandmother Spider’s Web — the Flower of Life and how it works upon Mother Earth’s sacred sites in today’s societies.  Our sacred prayer and hope is that as we reconnect to Mother Earth, we heal our families and relationships around the world for a better future for all generations to come.  We are all connected within the Web of Life.  Together we can bring about a healthy planet promoting peace.

Children around the world have been learning about how the medicine wheel and the ceremonies work. Bavado shared teachings to encourage children to join in June Solstice ceremonies.  The children have been creating their own medicine wheels and learning how to be the medicine wheel with their hearts as the center.  Bavado encouraged including children in the medicine wheel ceremonies.

For those who are new to the Global Medicine Wheel Ceremonies, all are invited to please join us for a medicine wheel ceremony in preparation for the summer solstice. The Global Medicine Wheel network includes people at Lake Titicaca, Peru, Mt. Shasta, Glastonbury, England and other sites in Europe, India, Maui, New Zealand, Australia, on the Grand Teton Medicine Wheel, Eagle and Condor Medicine Wheel, Big Bear Medicine Wheel, Pacific Northwest Medicine Wheel, and many other sites.

We are all connected through the Earth’s ley lines. When we go to our sacred sites to do ceremony, we can collectively clean and clear old programs from the environment and charge the Earth with peace, love, joy and abundance. You can see how this works on our website at

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for, today’s stewards who choose to bring peace, love and harmony to the planet with every thought, word, emotion and action. We can re-harmonize the Earth, retune the Web of Life, recalibrate the grids to make the Earth beautiful.

Thank You, Oohweehoo, thanking you into infinity, Aho…

Bennie “Bavado” LeBeau, AKA “Rainbow Thunder Heart” AKA “Blue Thunder”, Eastern Shoshone from the Wind River Indian Reservation, Fort Washakie, Wyoming

Sign up and information here, including video of medicine wheel teaching:, or call Monica 253.905.3777.

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