Monday – Friday, March 5 – 9, Olga Community Club

— from Caroline Buchanan —

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Caroline Buchanan is offering her once-a-year Drawing Retreat on March 5, 6, 8, 9 at the Olga Community Club. She has developed a reputation for turning those who are convinced they cannot draw into amazed enthusiasts who continue to draw well after the class is over.

Caroline says that drawing is about self-discovery. It is about tuning in and tuning out. The early March week is as much about learning how to shut out the world and allow yourself to tap into your artist self as it trying different ways to draw. With a “Yes I can!” attitude (and a few secrets + many step-by-step demonstrations) she is convinced anyone can learn to draw.

You may read more about the class at or call Caroline, 360-376-5509. The hours are 9:30-3:30 each day. Bring a sack lunch. There is a full kitchen at the Community Club.

Supplies: pick up a sketchbook at Office Cupboard (Michel knows which one is best). Bring some pencils and any drawing tools you would like to try. Caroline will supply two pens.