Plans for Oct. 23rd boat trip in the works

Car pooling can be arranged for the Audubon Society field trip on Lopez Island this  Sunday, October 3rd.

The trip will be led by Bob Myhr, and will look for last migrants heading south and arrival of winter waterfowl. Everyone is  welcome to meet at Otis Perkins park at 8 a.m. For information call Myhr at 468-2258.

Barb Jensen, President of San Juan Islands Audubon, reports, “Last Saturday’s trip on San Juan was excellent with beautiful weather to boot. It was a day of hundreds of American Pipits on the beach, Western Bluebirds off Douglas Rd, a Western Meadowlark our friend Blake found as we were all talking and not paying attention and a grand finish with about a dozen Vaux’s Swifts at Cattle Pt. We even had a flyover by an Osprey on the way to Friday Harbor!”

Jensen says, “There is still some room in my car for carpooling to the Lopez field trip this weekend… a couple of people asked about folks coming from Orcas to carpool. Let me know if you are interested and I will get you in touch with each other. Jensen can be reached at

In addition, the San Juan Audubon Society is planning a Boat Trip for Saturday, October 23. About half the needed people for this trip have signed on,  Jensens says. “It would leave from San Juan Island and possibly pick-up or drop off on Orcas.

“The cost would be around $35 if we can get 25 people. This would be a morning trip. I need to know by next Wednesday, October 5th and so it will be first come  first served.”

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