Hearings recap three critical area changes: General, Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation, Geologically Hazardous

Public hearings for updates to  San Juan County’s critical area regulations in three areas are scheduled for Tuesday, November 27, beginning  at 10:45 a.m. Copies of the hearing notices and the ordinances are posted at www.sanjuanco.com/cao/documents

The San Juan County Council will conduct a public hearing for the purpose of receiving testimony on Ordinances regarding:

General regulations for critical areas;
Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Area;
Geologically Hazardous Areas and Frequently Flooded Areas;

The hearing may be continued from time to time and place to place as may be desired by the Council without additional written notice.

At the hearing, members of the public will be invited to speak and/or provide written statements regarding the proposed ordinances.

Videoconferencing will be available at the Orcas and Lopez Libraries between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. The agenda and related materials may be obtained at the County website at www.sanjuanco.com/cao/documents or at the Council offices during each business day between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. For more information please contact the Clerk of the County Council at (360) 370-7472.

After the public testimony portion of the hearing has ended, the Council will deliberate and consider modifications to the Ordinances that are proposed by members of the public, county employees or the Council.  The proposed Ordinances may then be adopted with or without modifications.