— by Cara Russell —

UPDATED: 10:25 a.m., Thursday, July 10: Yes, it rained on the 4th and 5th of July, but did that stop people from coming out? Heck no! Saturday, July 5th was a full day of 4th of July celebration, and non-profit fundraisers. As vendors were busy running a marathon to set up for the Farmers Market; runners and walkers waited for the adult 5K, and kid’s 1K run that started at the Village Green in Eastsound, and ended at the Eastsound Fire Hall. All funds raised from the event will go to the Funhouse Commons.

July4thThe Eastsound Fire Station was as packed as a plate of flapjacks, for the Annual Pancake Breakfast hosted by the Orcas Island Fire and Rescue Volunteer Firefighter/EMT Association. Volunteers served up their special pancakes, sausage, and eggs to a hungry crowd. The proceeds from the Annual Pancake Breakfast hosted by the OIVFEA assists in funding items such as annual scholarships for Orcas Island graduates, purchase of tools and equipment that enable our volunteers to provide efficient and safe services, and promotes volunteer wellness through partnership with Orcas Spa & Athletics. The OIVFEA also pays for a portion of the members’ annual pension after the first year, and sponsors activities such as dinners, family fun events, ice cream socials, and the Annual Awards Banquet.

Back at the Farmers Market on the Village Green, a Pie Booth was hosted by the Historical Museum. All new memberships and membership renewals were given a free piece of pie.

At noon The Chamber of Commerce had their annual Community Parade through town with the theme ‘Neighbors Helping Neighbors’. Islanders and non-profits came out to say thank you for all the community support they have had this last year.

This year’s Grand Marshals, the Harvey Family, filled the back of a pickup truck and a few hung off the bumper, as they smiled and waved to the spectators. The long time island family includes: Rita & Russ, and, and their children Rich, Rob, Ryan, Renea, Ray, and Rachel.

Finally, from 1pm-7pm the Eastsound Fire Station managed to make a quick turnover from serving pancakes, to the Annual Lions Club Salmon BBQ dinner. The event yields a good turnout every year, and the money raised from this event go to fund local programs and scholarships.

Chamber Announces Parade Winners:
The Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the winning entries in this year’s Community Parade.  There were over 50 registered entries this year, with many worthy of an award.

  • The overall winner, best representing our theme – “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” – was the OPAL Community Land Trust’s entry.  They will receive $100 from the Chamber.
  • Showing unique creative qualities, two entries were selected for runner-up recognition: The Friends of Moran, and Orcas Island School District’s “Tardy Queen” float.  They each receive a $50 gift certificate from Island Market.
  • Honorable mention goes to entries from Orcas Stitch and Gossip, Orcas Island Senior Center, and OPALCO’s Project Pal.  

The Chamber thanks all who entered this year’s parade!