By Lesley Liddle

Lesley Liddle is a certified service and pet dog trainer. First Mate Lulu is a Corgi/Red Heeler with spots like a baby harbor seal; Crewman Leonard is a Chihuahua/Doxie with tall ears like a rabbit. Both dogs have very short legs and were originally found in California shelters.  Lesley has average legs and can be found on Orcas Island.

Dogs enjoy and count on predictable rituals just as much as people. Rituals are sometimes the glue that binds the dog loving family together. Take our morning ritual for instance. At dawns early light I sit in my favorite old wicker chair sipping morning tea in my bathrobe. Miss Lulu trots over, stretches low in front of me and then vigorously shakes herself. She is asking, “May I come up?”

I smile and say, “O.K. “ And she jumps onto my lap, nuzzles my neck, looks me directly in the eye and gives me a rapid face licking which then turns into nose nibbling which always makes me laugh. She laughs too in her breathy “Ha Ha” way. I ask her to quit which she does but if I dare stare at her even a bit, she quickly nips my nose again. I put my arms around this little wonder dog, she settles tightly onto my lap and lets out a deep sigh.

Hearing such a meaningful sound, Mister Leonard emerges from under the bedcovers, trots over, sits looking up at us and begins making peculiar sad moaning sounds. Then poking at Lulu’s rump with his nose and adding a few yips he eventually lures her into jumping down. Leonard immediately hops into my lap and settles himself while giving Lulu a malevolent glare. She shakes, asking to come up again; he curls his lip and emits a low growl. Lulu shakes again, ignores the curling lip.

I sigh and say “Oh, for Heaven’s Sake come on up!” She bounds aboard, squashing Leonard into the side of the chair where he belongs and reclaiming her rightful place. Now we are in a wicker basket of harmony – and I drink my tea.