The League of Women Voters of the San Juans has scheduled Primary Election Forums on San Juan, Lopez and Orcas Island. Candidates for all contested elections have been invited.

The Orcas forum will take place on Saturday, July 17, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Senior Center.

Unopposed candidates will not be presenting at the forum, and because of the large number of announced candidates, the only issue that will be discussed at the forum is the local Orcas School District Bond vote. 

Each speaker will give a 3 minute statement, followed by a session of questions and answers, conducted by the moderator.

The amount of time allotted for questions and answers will depend on how many candidates will attend. Invited candidates for whom Orcas residents will vote include

County Sheriff candidates:

  • Rob Nou from Lopez Island
  • Jeff Asher from San Juan Island
  • Felix Menjivar from San Juan Island
  • Brad Fincher from San Juan Island
  • Brent D. Johnson from San Juan Island
  • Brent Johnson from San Juan Island

15 Candidates for U.S. Senator (current incumbent Patty Murray)

5 Candidates for U.S. Congressional District 2 (current incumbent Rick Larsen)

9 Candidates for State Representative 1 – 40th District (Dave Quall retiring)

3 Candidates for State Representative 2 – 40th District (current incumbent Jeff Morris)

Patty Miller will run unopposed for the Orcas East County Council position. On Lopez Island, Bob Myhr, County Council incumbent, is running against Jamie Stephens and Jerry Gonce.

On Lopez Island, Rich Peterson, County Council incumbent for  San Juan Island, is facing opposition from Laura Jo Severson.

Two state Judges face opposition in their election.

An Online Voters’ Guide will be published for the Primary. An Online Voters’ Guide and a printed Local Voters’ Pamphlet will be published for the General Election, Nov. 2.

The deadline for mail-in registration is July 19; for in-person registration is August 9. Mail-in ballots will go out July 28 for the August 17 primary election.