Background: This is a story Brita wrote about Rocky nine years ago when he was just two years old. We were living in the Lake Hills Greenbelt area of Bellevue, WA at the time. It was long before she had ever heard about the Mayor of Eastsound Campaign. At the time, she couldn’t have imagined that one day Rocky would be running against a rabbit (and a horse and a black dog) for the honor of becoming Eastsound’s next mayor.

Rocky and the Wild Rabbits

–by Brita Brahce —

It was a beautiful summer day with the birds chirping and the sun shining down on various patches of grass in the fields when I decided to take my dog, Rocky, for a walk.

Now this is no ordinary dog. I found that out a long time ago when my little fellow was just a pup. I was having a delicious snack of mini carrots in the kitchen and offered Rocky one. He took it from my hand with great satisfaction. To this day, he can’t eat his dog food without grated carrots on top.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, we were going for a walk on a little trail that is across the street from where I live. You can see the fields on either side of the path. These grasslands and bushes were terrific hideouts for an abundant number of wild animals.

On that particular day, I had a cold with a terribly runny nose. My mother told me she could take Rocky out for me, but I assured her I would be fine if I took a handkerchief with me. So I went on my merry way with my handkerchief in my pocket and Rocky’s leash in my hand. We were no more than halfway down the trail when my nose began to run again. I reached in my pocket for the handkerchief but all I found was a big hole at the bottom. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a rabbit running off to his burrow with a small cloth in his mouth.

Well, it just so happens that Rocky loves to chase rabbits. After all, when he runs in the grass he sort of hops along and looks like a little rabbit himself (being so short and full of energy). Anyway, I tried to hold him back as best as I could, but Rocky was stronger than I. He pulled so hard that I fell right on my bum and the next thing I saw was Rocky heading down the trail, chasing after the rabbit. The rabbit was awfully frightened of Rocky (like any small animal would be) so he jumped right into his rabbit hole to hide from the beast. Well, Rocky – being the silly boy that he is – jumped right in after the rabbit. As I said earlier, Rocky’s not your ordinary dog.

Rabbit: (shivering) Now don’t you come any closer or I’ll bonk you on the head with a carrot.

Rocky: (excited) Carrot?

Then he spies a bowl full of juicy carrots on the table and runs over to get one.

Rabbit: What do you think you’re doing? Get away you thief!

Rocky: (looks ashamed and drops the carrot he was snacking on) I’m sorry Mr. Rabbit, sir. I love carrots and sometimes I just can’t help myself.

Rabbit: That’s quite alright young fellow. Sometimes I can’t help myself either. Why don’t we share this bowl of carrots right now and you can tell me why you were chasing me.

So they both had a nice long chat while they munched on the carrots. Now some say that it’s impolite to talk with your mouth full, but as both animals established in the beginning, sometimes you just can’t help yourself.

During the chat Rocky explained,”You see Mr. Rabbit, sir, I believe you have something that belongs to my owner.”

Just then Mrs. Rabbit entered the kitchen to put on a pot of blackberry tea.

Mrs. Rabbit: What’s this about my husband taking something of yours, dear?

Mr. Rabbit: Ah, Primrose darling, let me introduce you. This adorable chap is Rocky. He thinks that I stole something from his owner.

Mrs. Rabbit: Did you Forest?

Mr. Rabbit: Of course not! (pauses) Well, I can’t quite remember actually if I did.

So Primrose made them both a cup of tea while they searched all through the home looking for…well Forest didn’t quite know what they were looking for.

Rocky: It’s a dark green handkerchief made by my owner’s mother. She is quite a talented lady. She knitted me a sweater just last winter.

Mrs. Rabbit: Forest, isn’t that the bit of fabric you found on the ground? The one you brought home for our children?

Rocky: (excited for new playmates) Children? I like children! May I meet them?

Mrs. Rabbit: Well, they’re getting ready for bed now, but I guess I could introduce you to them.

So Rocky, sniffing happily the whole way with his head to the ground and his tail wagging high in the air, followed the rabbit couple to the room of the children.

Mrs. Rabbit: (entering a room filled with dried plants and flowers) Good evening my little darlings.

Bunnies: Good evening, Mother.

Mrs. Rabbit: I have someone who would like to meet all of you. This is Rocky.

Bunnies: (backing away in fear) Good evening, Rocky.

Mrs. Rabbit: You mustn’t be afraid my children. He is very friendly. He just wants to meet you. So one by one, would you take turns introducing yourselves and shake his paw? It’s the polite thing to do.

Arranged by height, all of the brothers and sisters formed a single file line. They introduced themselves as requested by their mother.

Bunny # 1: My name is Daisy. I am the oldest. Pleased to meet you, Rocky. curtsies and shakes paw)

Bunny #2: I am Rose. You are very handsome. (curtsies and shakes paw)

Rocky: (blushing) Thank you.

Bunny #3: I am Ivy. I like to chase birds when they land on the ground. (curtsies and shakes paw)

Rocky: (smiles) e too.

Bunny #4: I am Sage. Someday, when Papa is old, I shall take over as chief vegetable collector for the family. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. (bows and shakes paw)

Bunny #5: I am Timothy.

Rocky: (confused) Timothy?

Bunny #5: Yeah, you know, like Timothy grass. It happens to be my favorite midnight snack. (bows and shakes paw)

Rocky: (excited) I like eating grass too!

Bunny #6: I am Violet. Do you want to know a secret?

Rocky: Sure

Bunny #6: I have a crush on you. Will you marry me?

Rocky: You’re a little young.

Bunny #6: (starts to cry)

Rocky: Please don’t cry, you will ruin those pretty eyes of yours. How about if we play with your doll bunnies instead?

Mrs. Rabbit: Maybe another time Rocky dear. Right now it’s time for my children to go to bed.

Bunnies: Awww, do we have to?

Mrs. Rabbit: Yes my children. Now get into bed and your father and I will tuck you in.

Bunnies: Yes mother. (they climb into bed)

Bunny #6: But mommy, I’m not tired.

Mr. Rabbit: (on his hands and knees) Look out! Here comes the Cottontail Express.

Bunny #6: (laughs and gets on her father’s back)

Mr. Rabbit: (picking up his youngest daughter and setting her in bed) There we go. Now all of my ankle biters are in bed.

Bunny #1: Tell us a story mama about how you met Pa.

Mrs. Rabbit: I have a better idea. Why doesn’t Rocky take over story time for tonight? After all, he is our guest.

All of the bunnies agreed excitedly so Rocky began his tale. He told the bunnies all about his adventures with his owner, Brita. He told about the time he thought it would be fun to see if he could climb on top of a bush and how amazed his owner was. However, the bush ended up winning that game. hen there was the time he thought his owner’s back would make a fabulous balance beam. He liked how that ended. Everyone thought he was cute and took pictures of him. When Rocky finished his story, he noticed what was covering the little bunnies.

Mr. Rabbit: (noticing that something looked familiar) Isn’t that the cloth that I picked up from the ground?

Mrs. Rabbit: I thought the children would be cold so I made it into a blanket for them.

Mr. Rabbit: (looking at Rocky) Well my dear boy, I believe that blanket is what you were looking for. Do you want it back? Primrose and I can always find something else lying around to cover up the children.

Rocky looked at the sleeping bunnies. All six faces looked so innocent, peaceful and sweet.

Rocky: (smiling and speaking softly) That is quite all right. Please think of it as a gift from me and my owner.

With that, he kissed each of the bunnies little noses; thanked Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit for their kind hospitality and was on his way.

Coming home, he whistled a cheerful little tune for he knew he had made a rabbit family very happy. The only question now was how was he going to tell Brita that she would never see her handkerchief again. He did love her so and would never want to hurt her feelings. To Rocky’s surprise, explaining the situation turned out a lot better than he expected.

Brita: That’s alright my Rocky boy. You did the right thing. Those rabbits needed my handkerchief more than I did. Besides, my mom can always make me a new one. (picking up Rocky) I’m just glad you’re safe. Now it’s time to go to bed. You’ve had a long day.

So Brita tucked Rocky into bed and kissed his nose just as Rocky had kissed the noses of all his bunny friends.

Brita: Good night my little angel.

But that’s not quite the end. Every morning at sunrise, Rocky snuck outside to meet the rabbit family in the yard. The bunnies and Rocky would take turns chasing each other and telling stories of the past and present. The friends would always remember to have a big bowl of carrots nearby.

The End

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