From Doris Schaller, County Elections Supervisor

A special filing period for candidates for three new Council positions will be held December 12 through 14. The three positions are: Council Residency District 1 (San Juan Island and surrounding smaller islands); Council Residency District 2 (Orcas Island, Waldron Island, Blakely Island, and surrounding smaller islands); and Council Residency District 3 (Lopez Island, Shaw Island, Decatur Island, and surrounding smaller islands).

Positions for which more than two candidates file will be narrowed to two candidates in a county-wide “primary” election held February 12. The winners of that election, plus the candidates for any positions for which two or fewer candidates file, will be elected in a county-wide “general” election held April 23.

The unusual, off-cycle elections are called for by San Juan County Proposition 1, adopted by voters in the November election. The amendments contained within the proposition reduce the number of County Council members from six to three. The three Council members elected in November will take their seats in January along with the three continuing members, but will serve only brief terms. Their terms will end in May when three new Council members, elected in April, take office.

The terms of the Council members elected in April will also be shorter than usual. Council Members from Residency Districts 1 and 2 will serve through December, 2016. In order to achieve staggered terms, the Council Member from Residency District 3 will serve only through December, 2014.

To file for any of the three new Council positions, candidates must be registered voters and must live within the Council residency district for which they file. Candidates may submit their filing paperwork by mail, fax, email, or in person at the San Juan County Elections Office, located at 55 Second Street, Friday Harbor. Mailed forms may be received no earlier than November 28 and no later than December 14. Faxed, emailed, or in-person forms must be received on December 12, 13, or 14. Filing forms and fees must reach the Elections Office by 4:30 pm on December 14. Filing forms are not considered complete until the $749.30 filing fee is received.

For information about the upcoming elections and filing period, please contact the San Juan County Elections Office. Filing forms can be obtained on the Elections webpage at or by contacting the Elections staff at (360) 378-3357.