— from Carol Kulminski —

The Cancer Survivorship Group will meet on Thursday, August 10, at 5 p.m., in the Fireside Room of Orcas Island Community Church. At our informal meetings, you’ll have a chance to share your experiences, problems, and feelings with those who are currently going through treatment, or those who are in remission or have been healed.

There will be a chance for those with differing views on methods of treatment to share their views.  There are those who feel the safest treatments are traditional medical means. Others feel medical treatment is to be avoided and holistic treatment is preferred. In some cases, a younger person may attempt the most drastic of treatment because of the potential extended life expectancy.  An elderly person, in the same circumstance, may not want to spend their remaining shorter life expectancy in drastic  and painful treatment which may not add to quality of life.

All of these widely varying views are valid, depending on the circumstances. Often, some of each can be tried at the same time. Hearing how these experiences have helped others can aid in choosing the best course of action for yourself.

Your family members, friends or caregivers are very welcome to attend our meetings with or without you. Often family and friends have their own concerns and feelings that need to be shared and understood. You can learn what others have done to successfully cope with their cancer and treatment.

Call Bogdan or Carol at (760) 212-8556 for more information.