U.S. border closure makes ‘no sense’ as Canada starts to reopen for fully-vaccinated Americans: critics

‘What the U.S. administration has done today is to continue to divide families, and prevent people from coming to the U.S. for tourism or business’


America will prohibit Canadians from crossing the land border to the U.S. for another month, a move critics said Wednesday would continue to harm businesses and families in both countries, especially in tightly-integrated border regions.
“What the U.S. administration has done today is to continue to divide families, and prevent people from coming to the U.S. for tourism or business,” said Chamber of Commerce president and CEO Perrin Beatty. “On social and on economic terms, it makes no sense whatsoever.”

The U.S. announced Wednesday it will continue to keep its land border with Canada closed to non-essential travel until Aug. 21. The current restrictions have been in place in both countries since the COVID-19 pandemic began, though Canadians have been able to fly into the U.S.

Canada said earlier this week it would begin allowing fully-vaccinated American citizens and permanent residents into the country via any means on Aug. 9, but the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden declined to follow suit.

READ FULL ARTICLE: nationalpost.com/news/politics/u-s-border-closure-makes-no-sense-as-canada-starts-to-reopen-for-fully-vaccinated-americans-critics