— from Michele Keyes —

The Orcas Island Community Foundation initiated a request for organized Caregiver protective support in preparation for the COVID-19 environment we are all currently facing.

Orcas Island Caregiver Preparedness is a new group (and Facebook page) set up to support Caregivers in being safe while providing care for Clients in this COVID-19 environment. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) have already been ordered, will be assembled and packaged once received, and ready to be provided to caregivers.

Debra O’Conner, RN from Hospice of the Northwest is spearheading this effort along with other volunteers. The Orcas Island Community Foundation, The Community Church, Lahari, Ray’s Pharmacy, and Camp Orkila have generously provided support for the acquisition of protective equipment.

Whether you are a professional Caregiver or fulfilling that role as a family member please refer to our new Facebook page for information and support and “Follow” for future updates and best practices.

We have a long list of Caregivers but know we are missing names and email addresses for some who are not on the list. We would appreciate including as many Caregivers as possible. Please pass this information on to Caregivers you know who may be interested in participating. Not everyone is on Facebook so having a complete list of email addresses is important.

Whatever is posted/updated on the Caregiver Preparedness page will also be emailed out to the complete Caregiver email group.

Daniel Keyes, Senior at Orcas Island High School is taking on the Communication group as his senior project. He has already sent an email out to the list of addresses we have so far along with a survey prepared on Google Forms.

You can access this survey on the Facebook page or it will be included in your welcome email once we have additional addresses.

Caregivers on Facebook can PM us their email addresses. Caregivers not on Facebook can email: daniel.keyes24@gmail.com, michele.keyes@gmail.com or for specific questions about the program please email Debra O’Conner at mwifedoc@aol.com

Please help us spread the word to Professional and Family Caregivers and have them get in touch with us.

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