— by Lin McNulty —

Following a quick approval of minutes, and a few routine housekeeping items, the County Council on Tuesday opened their meeting on Orcas for Citizen’s Access Time.

  • Pierette Guimond announced that island cemeteries now have a website which contains much historical information.
  • Dan Wilk of Ecliipse Charters suggested that the name Orcas be submitted to Washington State Ferries as a possible name for the next new ferry as Orcas was the name of the first schooner built in the San Juans.
  • Paul Kamin raised a question about when the Council will next look at growth projections and wondered if there is a possibility of opting out of Growth Management?

DISCUSSION ITEM:  Eastsound Subarea Plan Update– Colin Maycock, Senior Planner

Clyde Duke, speaking as EPRC Chair, stressed the need to simplify and cleanup the language in the Subarea Plan, e.g., differentiate between transient housing and vacation rental, or make them the same thing. He also suggested that goals be split from policies, as there has been no change since 2008. A list should be worked out for the permitting process to clarify what is allowed and what is disallowed. The Dog Park, for instance, currently has two zoning designations: institutional / residential  Uniform zoning should be instituted across a single parcel. Streamline regulations is the goal.

CompPlanSignaturesACTION ITEM: Signing of Official Comprehensive Planning Map – Colin Maycock, Senior Planner

Council Members Rick Hughes and Bob Jarmin officially affixed their signatures to the new Comprehensive Planning Map. Digital versions of the map will soon be available on the County website. Jamie Stephens was excused from this session as he was attending a meeting elsewhere. He will sign the maps at a later date.

DISCUSSION ITEM: Deer Harbor Bridge Update – Colin Huntemer, Senior Project Engineer

Colin Huntemer and Rachel Dietzman spoke to the Deer Harbor Bridge project. School bus pickup and drop off needs during the construction have been addressed. As every possible opportunity has been provided for public access, there will no longer be any active advertising. “Everyone knows we are building a bridge,” they indicated.  As design continues, outreach will continue to those in living in the area.

The County is not able to control how other agencies do their work or their outreach. As Puget Sound Near-shore Eco System Restoration Project (PSNER) continues a parallel project to rebuild the bridge, San Juan County is in the actual permitting process. It is felt by the county that even though these Federal agencies (PSNER, Fish & Wildlife and the Army Corps of Engineers) maintain their project, and even though building a bridge is on their list, that their real concern is the estuary, with no actual intention to rebuild the bridge. Colin states he is using their work as input to benefit this project.

Our Council will draft a letter to those agencies involved requesting that they conserve resources to save taxpayer money.

DISCUSSION ITEM: West Beach Culvert Update – Colin Huntemer, Senior Project Engineer

The West Beach project has morphed from a culvert road project to a fish passage project. Budget was $300,000 and is now $600,000. Shared funding to build the fish passage is expected by end of year so the county transportation budget remains same.

DISCUSSION ITEM: Orcas Road (Nordstrom Lane) – Shannon Wilbur, Senior Project Engineer

Rachel Dietzman says a consultant is now under contract. Meetings have been held with property owners. The are currently looking for liaison who is not a property owner (to be selected from outside), who understands the project, and can bring back public feedback. Downloadable road width maps are available HERE for Orcas and HERE for the County.

Recess taken for lunch, after which Margie Doyle resumed the reporting duties.