Wednesday, August 13, Noon, Emmanuel Episcopal

— from Carl Burger —

CarlBurgerThere’s an upcoming one-guy recital at the Episcopal Church on Wednesday. Usual stuff: about 12 p.m. startup, admission by contribution to help fund music camp recipient. Half-hour, should be mostly funny, and painless.

Such a weird year that I wanted to call it something like “Turn Your Head and Laugh.” ObamaCare,
southern border, Fast and Furious, Iraq, Economy, Part-time employment, Food Stamps, Street Riots, Kardashians and all. How ’bout them SeaHawks?!

I’ll have some folk standards, new personal parodies, community singing, all accompanied on my three newly acquired Kirkland “Folk Singer Package” instruments, from Costco. 6-string, 12-string guitars, and 5-string banjo.

Let’s do lunch.