Have you bought your ticket to the biggest event on Orcas this spring?

If not, the Orcas Island Booster Club invites you to stay seated, leave your shoes off and relax at home by buying a ticket to our first annual Non-Event Spring Fundraiser, scheduled for Sunday April 1st.  Don’t let the date fool you – because we are serious.

The evening’s events will not start at 6:00, dinner will not be served at 7:00 and best of all, there will be no auction held at 8:00!  Instead, we invite you to enjoy a nice quite evening at home – or wherever you chose – knowing that 100% of your tax deductible ticket price will go to support the Orcas Island Athletic Programs.  For one evening feel free to do whatever you’ve always wanted to do – or not do- but never had time for, knowing that while you enjoy a little down time you are also helping to keep our student athletes busy.

Because of the consistent reductions of state funding from our school district, the Booster Club is currently working to raise $17,000 to fill the gap and keep our spring athletic programs alive and thriving.  By NOT getting dressed up, NOT spending a night out and by NOT attending this event, you can be a part of the solution.

To find out more about the event, learn more about the OIBC – and more importantly to buy a ticket, please visit our new website at www.orcasboosters.org or track down one of our members who can help make sure that your Sunday evening is non-eventful!

Hope to NOT see you there!

The Orcas Island Booster Club
Candice Bodenhamer
Cathy Ferran
Dianna Hoffman
Vicki Vandermay
Kevin O’Brien
Justin Paulsen
Sandi Harris
Michelle Kostechko