Monday, July 17, 5:30 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Marla Johns for Orcas Fire & Rescue —

Commissioners Wesley Heinmiller (Chair), Barbara Bedell, Amanda Montague, Jim Helminski, Tim Fuller, Chief Scott Williams, Orcas Island Fire and Rescue staff, and the community will be in attendance at the next regularly-scheduled meeting of Oras Fire Commissioners on Monday, July 17, 5:30 p.m., at Eastsound Fire Station.

Items on the agenda include:


  1. Email to Commissioners from Pierette Guimond – District Secretary, Marla Johns
  2. Open Invitation to attend WFC Health Care Program Workshop – District Secretary, Marla Johns
  3. WFCA Notice of 2018 Approved Premium Rates – District Secretary, Marla Johns

Chief’s Report

Old Business

  1. IRS Social Security Past Due Amount – Chief Williams and Commissioner Helminski
  2. Memorial I-Beam placement update – Chief Williams and Commissioner Heinmiller

New Business

  1. Attendance at WFCA Health Care Program Workshop – Commissioner Heinmiller
  2. Resolution 2017-06 Transfer of funds to General Funds account – Chief Williams
  3. Resolution 2017-07 Change of ledger balance on account advance travel funds balance – Chief Williams
  4. Resolution 2017-08 Change of ledger balance on account revolving funds balance – Chief Williams
  5. Resolution 2017-09 Adoption of 2017 Budget, Amended – Chief Williams

The next BOFC Regular Meeting will be held on Monday, August 21, at 5:30 p.m.