— by Margie Doyle–

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Parishioners and visitors of Emmanuel Episcopal Church brought their furry companions and feathered and/or scaly pets for the Blessing of the Animals annual ceremony at the Emmanuel Parish Labyrinth on Sunday, Oct. 2.

Rev. Berto Gándara-Perea  led the creatures in a blessing including words written by Meister Eckhart and Walter Rauschenbusch:

“When our use of this world is over and we make room for others, may we not leave anything ravished by our greed or spoiled by our ignorance, but may we hand on our common heritage fairer and sweeter through our use of it…”

Berto said, “Strengthen us to love and care for [all animals] as we strive, like Francis of Assisi, to imitate the love of Jesus Christ.”

The animals then were blessed individually.

The service is held annually in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi, on the Sunday closest to Oct. 4, St. Francis’ feastday.