— by Lin McNulty —

Black bear near Grove on Rosario. Photo: Jeff Morris

Undersheriff Brent Johnson echoes what seems to be the thought of many on the island. “It’s a cool concept,” he says of the Black Bear sightings on Orcas.

The recent arrival is believed to be the same bear that escaped capture by Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife on nearby Lummi Island. The department had attempted to lure the bear with donuts; apparently, this bear doesn’t like donuts and swam over to Orcas in search of other treats.

First spotted on Saturday on Saturday, May 27 on Point Lawrence Road, there have been reports since that our “bearfoot” visitor has been sighted on Bartel Road off North Beach, near Rosario and, most recently, on Vusario Road.

The Sheriff’s Office remains in contact with Fish & Wildlife experts and a trapper has been placed on standby, but no efforts have been made to trap the critter. The Sheriff’s Office and Fish & Wildlife are “trying to figure out what to do,” adds Undersheriff Johnson.

It is not believed that the bear poses any direct threat, other than raiding garbage cans and perhaps wandering the roadways in the dark. Johnson stressed that it is more likely a person would be attacked by a racoon than by a bear.

The Sheriff’s Office encourages anyone with a sighting to call 360-378-4151 to make a report.

Orcas Issues awaits that perfect photo of the bear while encouraging, of course, personal safety for all.