Krista Bouchey and daughter Scarlet at play

Krista Bouchey of the Funhouse staff will be starting a playgroup for children from birth to five years old, and their parents/caregivers.

The group will meet on Mondays from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at The Funhouse.  Highlights include supportive environment for parents, arts and crafts, outdoor play, and music time.

The first Monday of the month is going to include a La Leche League meeting for mothers who are interested in breastfeeding support.  It is free for Funhouse members or by donation.

Bouchey is a recent graduate of Leadership San Juans and the playgroup is part of her volunteer commitment to that organization. The Funhouse is offering their facilities for the playgroup. Bouchey can be contacted at 298-1664.

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