Contributed by Kathy Stribling of the Orcas Island Public Library

The Orcas Library will be hosting new classes and events during the months of March and April.  Kim Middleton’s Intermediate Birding Class resumes Thursday, March 18th and continues to April 22.  Class time is 1:00 to 4:00pm.  Class size is limited, so be sure to sign up soon, the fee is $75 for the 6 week course.

Bob Littlewood will be discussing “Stop! Look! Listen!-An Exercise in Unpacking” beginning March 25 from 10:00am to 12:30pm, this class will run 8 weeks.  This discussion will focus on how we attend to the “world” and how and why we insistently seek distraction, and if it is possible to find an island of calm in the sea of chaos.  The fee for this course is $10, to cover the cost of photocopying.

Kathy Ciskowski will be teaching a 2 part course titled “Getting Started in Genealogy”.  This course will focus on using library resources, with an emphasis on the library’s  newest database,  This class will be taught Wednesday April 14 and 21, from 1:00pm to 2:30pm and will be limited to 12 students. The fee for this class will be $10 and students are encouraged to bring a laptop, if possible.

In April, John Louton will begin a 7-week course titled “An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy”.  This class will begin Tuesday April 6th, from 9 to 10:30 am.  Again, class size is limited, and the cost is only $5.00.

On April 12th, the library is pleased to present author and food blogger Molly Wizenberg.  Molly will be available to sign purchased copies of her wonderful book “A Homemade Life”, supplied by Darvill’s Bookstore.  This event will take place at the Episcopal Church Parish Hall at 3:30 pm and is free to the public.

April is also Poetry Month, and we will have events on Friday evening, April 23rd, and an all day Poetry Workshop on Saturday April 24th.  More details on these events will be available at a later date.

Questions or need more information?  Please call the library at 376-4985