— from Orcas Chamber of Commerce —

BirdFestLogoYes, the rumors are true! The Second Annual Orcas Island BirdFest is coming up, and it promises to be another amazing event!

Mark your calendars for April 30 – May 3. The rundown of all the great things happening can be found at OrcasIslandBirdFest.com. Share the news with your friends, family & guests.

Saturday, May 2 is our event dinner, to be held at Inn at Ship Bay, and our featured speaker is Dr. John Marzluff, a Professor of Wildlife Science at the University of Washington – and prolific author on birds! Jenny from Darvill’s Bookstore will be on hand with books to buy!

And here’s where you can help make the dinner truly amazing!

Our dinner will also feature a silent auction table, with some amazing Orcas Island items up for bid.  Co-chairs Sue Silvernail (Otters Pond B&B) & Rick Markov are lining up the auction items – and would love your help!

Gift Certificates … Lodging Certificates … Discounts on Dinner … gift items … art & jewelry … wildlife cruises … kayak trips … massages … you name it!  Sue and Rick want to hear from you.  Your generosity will help make this event a real success.  Our sincere thanks in advance.

Sue can be found at host@otterspond.com or call 376-8844, and Rick can be reached at rmarkov@centurytel.net or call 376-5585