— from Dave Pringle for the Senate Democratic Committee —

[On Feb. 1, 2018], the Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee passed Gov. Inslee’s carbon tax proposal, Senate Bill 6203. Washington state moved one step closer to being the first state in the country to pass a carbon tax of this kind. While this is the first step of several, it is a significant accomplishment moving closer to a clean and prosperous Washington for all.

“We have been working tirelessly over the years to make progress and, together with our tribal partners, the business community, labor, members of communities of color, nonprofits and concerned citizens have come together to take a major step in putting a price on carbon pollution in Washington state,” said Sen. Kevin Ranker, the number two sponsor of the bill.

“With Congress and the president still debating whether climate change is real, Washington state is taking action. I am proud to see us leading this discussion as we refine and perfect a system that will curb emissions and make critical investments in rural economies, new jobs and technology, clean air and water, land preservation and support for those impacted by climate change.

“Our moral responsibility compels us to move this legislation forward to ensure our state’s children have vibrant forests, clean water and air, and healthy communities.”

Ranker is a cosponsor of Senate Bill 6203, which was requested by Gov. Inslee to address climate change in Washington state. The bill will now move to the Senate Ways & Means Committee for further consideration before going to the floor for a vote of the full Senate.