The Orcas Island Community Foundation is kicking off the 2022 GiveOrcas grant season on May 2. This campaign will be the biggest catalog in GiveOrcas history!

There are 27 local nonprofits in the grants catalog which were thoroughly vetted and approved by this year’s superb Community Grants Committee. The overall ask is an astounding $374,131. Many organizations are recovering from two years of shuttered doors, canceled fundraising events, and halted programming. As we enter a new period of post-pandemic life on Orcas, these 27 organizations are ready to open their doors and their hearts to islanders of all ages.

The GiveOrcas campaign will run May 2-16. Mark your calendars for the always popular game days! Ben Franklin Day will take place on May 4th. The grantee with the most donations of $100 (or more) will win a $1000 boost to their grant. On May 10, Unique Donor Day will take place. This very popular game awards a $1000 boost to the grantee who brings in the most unique donors in a 24 hour period.

OICF allocates a portion of the earnings from its community endowment to the GiveOrcas campaign, however the total requested far exceeds the funds available. This is where you can shine as a Partner in Philanthropy! To participate as a Partner, simply make a donation of any size ($10 or more) at GiveOrcas.org. (Donations can also be made by cash, check, or stock; mail your donation—made out to OICF—to PO Box 1496, Eastsound, WA 98245, or drop by the OICF office)

OICF and the Orcas nonprofit community have been lucky to have so much community support for these grant campaigns in past years. This Spring, we are looking forward to a record-breaking year. We ask that you invite your friends, family, and neighbors to contribute a gift to this year’s GiveOrcas catalog.

Visit giveorcas.org May 2-16 to follow along and participate in the action! We are so grateful to live in this community with so much beauty and generosity. Thank you for your ongoing support and enthusiasm!


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