Thursday, December 8 5 – 6 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Jeff Hanson —

Thanks to the generosity of the Orcas community, creation of the new Orcas Off-Leash Area at Buck Park is well underway. The initial clearing is complete, and finish grading, seeding and exterior fencing are scheduled to take place soon. 2017 will bring drinking water to the site, parking improvements, fence and entry systems, benches, signage, and other things needed to provide a safe, clean, enjoyable experience for people and their dogs. If all goes well, the hope is to have the new area open next summer.

There is work to do for a final design and the planning group would love your help. What features should be included? What is best way to provide large and small dog areas, water, seating, toy storage, etc?

Please join the planning group Thursday, Dec. 8, from 5:00-6:00 at the Eastsound Fire Hall for an overview of the draft plans and to make your suggestions to make this an exceptional off leash area!

The draft plans are available at If you have suggestions but can’t make the meeting, you can email the group at