Contributed by JoEllen Moldoff

“Crossing Genres: Broadening the Range of Personal Style” will be the subject of the May 8 Writers Roundtable at the Orcas Island Library.

The only limits we have in writing are the limits we put on ourselves. Do you write poetry, essays, fiction, memoir, plays, keep a journal, or do you prefer non-fiction, academic or cultural criticism?

Don’t let preexisting genres inhibit your writing. Why not give yourself permission to experiment, maybe even create your own blends to express what you want to say?

This month’s Roundtable will feature a lively conversation, led by Rachel Newcombe and JoEllen Moldoff, on ways to cross genre lines, and Janet Thomas will read from her latest book, Day Breaks Over Dharamsala: A Memoir of Life Lost and Found. There will be reading and discussion from various excerpts of “blends” and then a leap into some writing exercises.

All are welcome.

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