Betsy Nelson and her artwork are featured at Orcas Island Artworks this spring

The Orcas Island Artworks will feature oil paintings by Betsy Nelson through April and May.

Betsy and her husband Jim have lived on Orcas since 1975, where they own and manage Orcas Island Bayside Cottages. Betsy began studying watercolor with Caroline Buchanan in 1999 and has studied oil painting with Terry Johnson for the last six years.

“People are my favorite subject; not portraits of specific individuals but rather paintings that evolve as I go and speak to an emotion,” she says. “Whatever the subject matter, I focus on the strength of the simplified image, color and composition. For me, painting is a wonderful, challenging, open ended experience. Each work is a learning adventure.”

The Artworks is open daily from 10 to 5.

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