betsy Nelson

Betsy Nelson and painting. Opening reception for her show at the Orcas Center will be Friday, April 6

Opening Reception April 6 at  5:30 p.m.

The Orcas Center Visual Arts Committee announces Betsy Nelson’s artwork will be exhibited in the  April Art Lobby Show and in the Madrona Room’s  “On and Off the Wall” exhibit during the month of April. The Opening Reception for the show is Friday, April 6, 5:30 to 7pm.

Nelson says, “People have always been the focus of my art.

” After doing a landscape or still life, it is back to the human form. It is endlessly expressive. I have benefited greatly from two local artists and teachers, Caroline Buchanan, my first teacher and Terry Johnson, with whom I continue to study.

For me, painting is a wonderful, challenging, sometimes frustrating open ended learning experience.  Whatever the subject matter, I focus on the strength of the simplified image, color and composition.

Betsy and her  husband Jim have lived on Orcas Island since 1975. Together they  own and manage Orcas Island Bayside Cottages.

For more information for island artists interested in exhibiting their work at the Center, contact the Visual Arts Committee at