Thursday January 19, 7 – 9 p.m., Emmanuel Episcopal Parish Hall

— from Ben Browner —

Michael Dowd is a former pastor, bestselling author, and eco-theologian, whose work has been featured in many national & international publications.

His great joy in life is sharing a science-based message of inspiration about our sacred responsibility to future generations: Science and spirituality are not enemies; indeed, they must work together if humanity is to survive the 21st century.

Given our impact on Earth’s climate, the seas, and other species, humanity is about to experience what could be called “The Great Reckoning.” On the other side of this though, is “The Great Homecoming.” Through the turbulence lies an opportunity to drastically shift our worldview to a Life-affirming paradigm.

This presentation will focus on six points of agreement held in common by tens of millions of “religious” and “non-religious” people across the globe, and how to stay deeply inspired in the face of changing climate and other large-scale challenges. By donation. Invite your friends.

Email for more info.