By Lynsey Smith

A Bake Sale will be held on Monday Feb. 14th at 3 p.m. at Island Market to bring students from War Torn Countries to Orcas Island.

A group of High School students from the United World College will be speaking and building friendships on Orcas on March 6th and 7th. In support of these courageous, brilliant and fun UWC students, the youth on the island from both the public and the Christian Schools are raising money for their trip to Seattle.

There will be 12 students from Palestine, Israel, Malaysia, Yemen, Columbia, Hong Kong, Afghanistan, Barbados and our very own Emma Smith from Orcas Island, who will serve as their cultural liaison. The students of UWC are required to research and complete a project week.  “Stories from the Frontline” was the idea of Fatima, a 16 year old from Afghanistan.

Please come to support our island kids as they support their peers from all over the world. The Bake Sale will be on Valentine’s Day at the Island Market. Monday Feb 14th at 3 p.m.

For more information about the United World College, go to